by | May 17, 2021 | Cocktail Making

Hooray! From today, the Government has eased restrictions to allow up to 30 people to attend weddings and receptions indoors as well as allowing private parties of up to 30 people in gardens and outdoor venues. This is great news for those planning events such as hen dos, birthday parties, and even ‘end of lockdown’ parties! We’re all desperate to see each other, so what better way to celebrate than with a gorgeous summer party.

Planning a hen do? Try a whimsical garden theme with beautiful bunting, summer punches and GIN in gorgeous floral dresses. Tasked with sorting a corporate party? Find a stunning outdoor venue with beautiful grounds, hire a mobile bar and sip super tasty cocktails in the sunshine whilst playing summer lawn games.

Get Planning those Summer Parties NOW

With the latest announcements coupled with the weather getting warmer, now is the perfect time to plan that party you’ve been holding off. We’ve seen a huge increase in enquiries for parties over the coming months, so we reckon if you’re looking to host a party or an event, it’d be wise to get booking in your chosen suppliers and venues as soon as possible – summer parties are going to be HUGE this year!

With that in mind, today we’re bringing you the Elderflower Collins – literally a taste of summer, sunshine (and socialising!!) in a glass:

Elderflower Collins

What you need:

  • 50ml Trailer Made Elderflower Gin
  • 1 x Lemon (25ml Lemon Juice)
  • 20ml Elderflower Syrup (Try Bottle Green!)
  • Double Dutch Double Lemon (or soda water)
Get Planning those Summer Parties NOW2

How to make it:

Add your 50ml Trailer Made Elderflower Gin, 25ml Lemon juice (juice of half a lemon) and 20ml elderflower syrup to a cocktail shaker with ice and SHAKE IT. Or if you don’t have a shaker you can simply add your ingredients straight to a tall hi-ball glass with ice and stir vigorously). Strain into your tall hi-ball glass filled with ice and top with Double Dutch Double Lemon. Garnish with remaining lemon slice and a sprig of mint!

Feeling thirsty?

This is also a GREAT recipe to mix up in your Nan’s old punch bowl to share at those garden parties! Try half a bottle of Elderflower Gin, LOADS of ICE, juice from 4 lemons, 150ml Elderflower Syrup, 2 x 200ml bottles of double lemon or soda water! Mint and lemon to garnish. DREAMY!

If you’re looking to organise a party this summer, why not hire our Horse Box Bar or Pop up Gin Bar? Alternatively we can help with cocktail and gin tastings – either virtual, or in person. Get in touch to discuss your options, we’re flexible and would love to help give your celebration the unique twist you’re looking for!


After 6 years of being together we never thought that we would one day be in business together. Who knew where a simple text message could lead….

It all started with a conversation with Nicola at one of The Little Gin and Rum Company’s events in Leeds. Amy sent a message to Ian saying “Do you fancy buying a gin and rum company?” and the wheels were set in motion.



“As a sales professional travelling the UK and the world, I have made travelling and alcohol my thing.  With over 20 years experience supplying the hospitality industry with software and e-learning, I can’t wait to start sharing Queen Cleo Spirits with the industry I love.  You’ll usually find me with my favourite Queen Cleo Rum with ginger ale.”


“Where Ian loves sales, I love marketing and as a digital marketing trainer and professional public speaker, I always have a lot to say.  When Nicola and Emma started virtual events in lockdown, I jumped at the opportunity to talk about gin and rum and nearly 200 events later, I still love it.  Old Tom is my favourite tipple and I’ll even drink it neat with just a cube of ice and a squeeze of lime.”


Nicola and Emma have created a gin and rum legacy and we are honoured to take it into the future.   

We can’t wait to share our plans with you and we promise to make Queen Cleo proud. 

You know our favourite Queen Cleo drinks and we’d love to know yours.  Share them with us on Instagram #littleginandrumco.