by | Jan 31, 2022 | Cocktail Making, Recipes

Nutella Martini

Never one to miss an important holiday, we thought it vital that you have a recipe to celebrate #worldnutelladay. Rather than spooning it straight from the jar whilst staring off into middle distance, you can DRINK IT. WITH GIN.

The recipe is super simple – perfect for a Saturday night treat!


  • 500ml almond milk
  • 100g Nutella (and however much else you want to shove into your mouth whilst prepping the cocktail…)
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 75g milk chocolate
  • 4 tbsp amaretto liqueur
  • 4 tbsp Queen Cleo London Dry Gin


1. Pop your almond milk, Nutella and cocoa in a pan and heat gently. Make sure you whisk it constantly until the Nutella has melted into the milk and it’s steaming, Once mixed, pop in a jug and into the fridge to cool. You may want to do this ahead of time to make sure the milk has cooled for drinking!

2. If you’re being proper fancy, you can decorate the rim of your glasses with either cocoa powder (simply wet the rims and dip onto a plate of cocoa powder) or melt chocolate in the microwave and again, dip the rims into the chocolate and pop in the fridge to cool.

3. When the milk is cool and your glasses ready, pour the milk into a cocktail shaker (a large jam jar will do it if you don’t have a shaker!) Add the amaretto and gin with a handful of ice and give it a good shake until the outside of your shaker or jar feels cold. Strain into your chilled glasses and enjoy..



Check out our virtual cocktail making experience OR virtual gin tasting experience.  A hosted group session for 6+ guests. The IDEAL get together from afar.




After 6 years of being together we never thought that we would one day be in business together. Who knew where a simple text message could lead….

It all started with a conversation with Nicola at one of The Little Gin and Rum Company’s events in Leeds. Amy sent a message to Ian saying “Do you fancy buying a gin and rum company?” and the wheels were set in motion.



“As a sales professional travelling the UK and the world, I have made travelling and alcohol my thing.  With over 20 years experience supplying the hospitality industry with software and e-learning, I can’t wait to start sharing Queen Cleo Spirits with the industry I love.  You’ll usually find me with my favourite Queen Cleo Rum with ginger ale.”


“Where Ian loves sales, I love marketing and as a digital marketing trainer and professional public speaker, I always have a lot to say.  When Nicola and Emma started virtual events in lockdown, I jumped at the opportunity to talk about gin and rum and nearly 200 events later, I still love it.  Old Tom is my favourite tipple and I’ll even drink it neat with just a cube of ice and a squeeze of lime.”


Nicola and Emma have created a gin and rum legacy and we are honoured to take it into the future.   

We can’t wait to share our plans with you and we promise to make Queen Cleo proud. 

You know our favourite Queen Cleo drinks and we’d love to know yours.  Share them with us on Instagram #littleginandrumco.