by | May 12, 2021 | Cocktail Making

On World Cocktail Day, there’s only one cocktail for us – The Negroni. It is a true classic in the world of cocktails and, as it features gin we have always been into it! Are you a Negroni nut like us? Or have you heard others raving about a Negroni and felt like you should have tried it but never have?
World Cocktail day

It certainly is a cocktail with an attitude and because of that it has a real marmite reaction – you either love it’s perfectly balanced bitter flavour or you marvel at how anyone would want to drink it! We certainly fall into the first category and love the iconic taste; which is why chose it for World Cocktail Day! Fancy giving it a try? Check out our recipe for a bold and bolshy ‘Classic Negroni’ below:

How to make a classic Negroni

  • Equal parts (25ml) gin, sweet vermouth and bitters (traditionally Campari)
  • Add your gin, sweet vermouth and bitters to a mixing glass with ice and stir until chilled
  • Strain into a rocks glass and garnish with an orange peel

It really is that simple. You can even just mix straight into your drinking glass. This is the most traditional version, but you can mix it up by trying different gins, different sweet vermouths and different bitter combinations. For example, if you find the Campari too strong you could swap it for the lighter flavour of Aperol.

Where does the Negroni come from?

Whilst a traditional G&T is often seen as a good aperitif, the Negroni is specifically designed as such – used to awaken the digestive system and get the taste buds tingling.

The Negroni started life in Florence, Italy in 1919. It is said to have been invented at Caffe Casoni in Florence where Count Camillo Negroni frequented. Popular folk law tells of a Camillo Negroni, an Italian Count who travelled to the US becoming an “adventurer, cowboy, banker and riverboat gambler in the Wild West”. Returning to his native Florence circa 1910, Camillo influenced the creation of the self-entitled cocktail at Caffè Casoni. The story goes that the Count asked the bartender to strengthen his usual cocktail; The Americano (traditionally Campari, Sweet Vermouth and soda) with gin instead of soda. The bartender added an orange garnish rather than the traditional lemon and the ‘Negroni’ was born! It soon became the place to be and the drink to drink!

The Negroni family soon capitalised on the success of the cocktail and opened the Negroni Distillery in 1919, in Treviso, Italy. They started to make a ready-made version of the cocktail, sold as Antico Negroni.

The Negroni has made something of a comeback in recent years and we for one hope it is here to stay.

Fancy your hand at cocktail making? We offer a virtual cocktail making experience for groups of 6 or more! We’ll send a cocktail kit to each member of your group and host a private mixology experience for you online! Email [email protected] for all the details. Perfect for Hen Do’s, parties, corporate events or just a Friday night get together with friends from afar!


After 4 years of being together we never thought that we would one day be in business together. Who knew where a simple text message could lead….

It all started with a conversation with Nicola at one of The Little Gin and Rum Company’s events in Leeds. Amy sent a message to Ian saying “Do you fancy buying a gin and rum company?” and the wheels were set in motion.



“As a sales professional travelling the UK and the world, I have made travelling and alcohol my thing.  With over 20 years experience supplying the hospitality industry with software and e-learning, I can’t wait to start sharing Queen Cleo Spirits with the industry I love.  You’ll usually find me with my favourite Queen Cleo Rum with ginger ale.”


“Where Ian loves sales, I love marketing and as a digital marketing trainer and professional public speaker, I always have a lot to say.  When Nicola and Emma started virtual events in lockdown, I jumped at the opportunity to talk about gin and rum and nearly 200 events later, I still love it.  Old Tom is my favourite tipple and I’ll even drink it neat with just a cube of ice and a squeeze of lime.”


Nicola and Emma have created a gin and rum legacy and we are honoured to take it into the future.   

We can’t wait to share our plans with you and we promise to make Queen Cleo proud. 

You know our favourite Queen Cleo drinks and we’d love to know yours.  Share them with us on Instagram #littleginandrumco.