by | Jul 6, 2021 | Events, General

Last night the government announced plans to remove remaining Covid restrictions in England – meaning that any existing limits on weddings may finally be lifted on 19th July 2021, something that will be music to many couple’s ears. In just six days, the government will announce what it is calling ‘Step 4’ – the move out of endless lockdowns, and the end to nearly all legal restrictions that have been present (and let’s face it, hovering like a black cloud above our heads), for the past 18 months.
Weddings are back

The 12th July will be a momentous day for all, but especially for those couples who have been so desperate to tie the knot, and have had set back after set back with moving dates and changes to regulations.

We’ve been working with a number of couples who’s weddings have been blighted by capacity numbers (30 people fill up an invite list very quickly!), limits on ceremony entertainment such as singing and dancing as well as more simple conundrums like trying to plot a table plan with a limit of 6 per table.

We’re super excited that many of our lovely couples will now have more freedom when planning the final stages of their wedding for this year. It certainly feels like another step towards normality.




According to BBC news, If approved on 12 July, the following will change in England from 19 July in relation to weddings, social distancing and face coverings:

There will be no limits on social contact

1m-plus rule removed

no legal requirements for face coverings

nightclubs permitted to reopen (hooray to dancing on a DANCE FLOOR!)

capacity caps on businesses will be lifted

hospitality businesses will no longer be required to provide table service only

no limits on numbers at weddings

no restrictions on communal worship and singing

The full list of restrictions that will be lifted according to the BBC can be found here.




Planning will be a lot simpler! If you’re due to get married from July 19th, the easing of these restrictions will mean that your wedding will be much easier to plan – and more likely inline with what you and your partner-to-be had in mind pre-covid.

In the move away from legal restrictions, the government will be looking to allow people “to make their own informed decisions about how to manage the virus” and so it looks as though there are likely to be some advisory guidelines to follow on your big day to make sure that you and your guests are as safe as possible




Whilst you and your partner may feel comfortable in large crowds, and indoor spaces, some of your guests may not. It would be wise to consider this in your plans to ensure you’re inclusive of elderly and vulnerable guests where necessary. At the very least, be open and honest with your guests about your day so that they are able to make up their own minds with regards to their attendance.

One example is face coverings in crowded areas and enclosed spaces – although not a legal consideration, it looks as though there will be government advice on wearing facemasks in this type of situation. Therefore it may be something you wish to pop on your invite information to ensure guests come prepared with a facemask in the event that this is required by your venue.

It’s also important to remember that whilst you may dream of your big day being totally mask-free, some may not feel comfortable to go mask-less just yet. To ensure your guests feel totally safe and comfortable, it may be a good idea to remember to let them know that wearing a face mask is optional.

It may also be useful to have ‘sanitising stations’ in high-traffic places (for example, near a guest book or shared polaroid camera) so that guests feel able to participate in the day but remain feeling safe.


remember to ENJOY YOUR DAY!


Ultimately, the news on the 12th July should enable couples to feel less pressured and more able to plan the day of their dreams much more freely. We can’t wait to join in all the wedding planning fun!

If you’re still planning your wedding and looking for something a little different, why not give us a call and hire our mobile bars – they’re sure to give your big day the unique twist you’re looking for.​

remember to ENJOY YOUR DAY
Our gin bar hire packages are flexible to suit your event and your budget. This example package showcases our most popular offering, the perfect feature gin bar for your reception drinks or evening party. Get in touch today!


After 4 years of being together we never thought that we would one day be in business together. Who knew where a simple text message could lead….

It all started with a conversation with Nicola at one of The Little Gin and Rum Company’s events in Leeds. Amy sent a message to Ian saying “Do you fancy buying a gin and rum company?” and the wheels were set in motion.



“As a sales professional travelling the UK and the world, I have made travelling and alcohol my thing.  With over 20 years experience supplying the hospitality industry with software and e-learning, I can’t wait to start sharing Queen Cleo Spirits with the industry I love.  You’ll usually find me with my favourite Queen Cleo Rum with ginger ale.”


“Where Ian loves sales, I love marketing and as a digital marketing trainer and professional public speaker, I always have a lot to say.  When Nicola and Emma started virtual events in lockdown, I jumped at the opportunity to talk about gin and rum and nearly 200 events later, I still love it.  Old Tom is my favourite tipple and I’ll even drink it neat with just a cube of ice and a squeeze of lime.”


Nicola and Emma have created a gin and rum legacy and we are honoured to take it into the future.   

We can’t wait to share our plans with you and we promise to make Queen Cleo proud. 

You know our favourite Queen Cleo drinks and we’d love to know yours.  Share them with us on Instagram #littleginandrumco.