SCRAMM with Little Gin & Rum Co!

by | Aug 2, 2022 | Events, Hen Do Ideas, Party Planning, Uncategorised

Have you ever tried to escape an escape room? Pretty nerve tingling stuff, right?! That’s where we come in! We’re super excited to team up with SCRAMM to offer lashings of gin or rum after your escape room experience. It’s THE perfect way to celebrate your (successful!) escape and to help calm those post-getaway-nerves…

What is SCRAMM?

For those of you yet to visit SCRAMM, you’ll need to know a few basics. Firstly, SCRAMM stands for Solve Clues, Riddles and Much More! There are three fantastically mind-boggling rooms to choose from – will you flee the research laboratory, escape the chocolate factory, or rob a bank? (We can’t decide between the chocolate and the cash, quite honestly!)

Once you’ve booked your mission, on arrival be prepared to be locked away for 60 minutes! The clue is in the name – you’ll need to use your collective brain power to solve clues, riddles and much more to make your escape. You’ll progress through the room as you use your puzzle solving skills – there’s a tonne of thinking outside the box, and you and your team will need to think together, work together and most importantly laugh together!

Perfect for a party

Escape rooms really are an awesome addition to a birthday party, a mate’s stag or hen do or even on a company social or team building event. By adding in a tasting experience at the end of your escape room, not only do you get to try some delicious gin or rum cocktails, but you also extend your time at SCRAMM – meaning more time to ponder those pesky clues and ruminate on the riddles!
As with all of our events, our tasting experiences are hosted and run by experienced, professional gin & rum loving hosts so you can be assured of a quality tasting experience with The Little Gin and Rum Company at SCRAMM – the best part? You don’t even have to leave the building!

How does the tasting experience work at SCRAMM?

It’s very simple – we bring the gin or rum to you! Once you’ve escaped, we’ll come armed with lashings of booze and tasting mats to help your party score their spirits!

Our tasting experiences last around an hour – if you want to find out more about what goes on in the session checkout read this blog post.

How do I book?

If you’re thinking of having your event at SCRAMM and fancy adding a little gin or rum to the party, simply book online with SCRAMM today! We can’t wait to see you there soon!


After 6 years of being together we never thought that we would one day be in business together. Who knew where a simple text message could lead….

It all started with a conversation with Nicola at one of The Little Gin and Rum Company’s events in Leeds. Amy sent a message to Ian saying “Do you fancy buying a gin and rum company?” and the wheels were set in motion.



“As a sales professional travelling the UK and the world, I have made travelling and alcohol my thing.  With over 20 years experience supplying the hospitality industry with software and e-learning, I can’t wait to start sharing Queen Cleo Spirits with the industry I love.  You’ll usually find me with my favourite Queen Cleo Rum with ginger ale.”


“Where Ian loves sales, I love marketing and as a digital marketing trainer and professional public speaker, I always have a lot to say.  When Nicola and Emma started virtual events in lockdown, I jumped at the opportunity to talk about gin and rum and nearly 200 events later, I still love it.  Old Tom is my favourite tipple and I’ll even drink it neat with just a cube of ice and a squeeze of lime.”


Nicola and Emma have created a gin and rum legacy and we are honoured to take it into the future.   

We can’t wait to share our plans with you and we promise to make Queen Cleo proud. 

You know our favourite Queen Cleo drinks and we’d love to know yours.  Share them with us on Instagram #littleginandrumco.